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Little Chums has grown to become a well respected and trusted day care setting in the 17 years of it being open.

Word of mouth and recommendations from our lovely parents / carers are the main source of requests for viewings and childcare places from prospective parents / carers, which tells us we must be doing something right!

We have had hundreds of satisfied parents, carers and children over the years who have enjoyed their experience with us and left us with extremely positive comments.

But don’t take our word for it!  Read below just a (very) small selection of the comments sent to us via email, by social media, in ‘thank you’ cards and in online, anonymous questionnaires / surveys!  These comments are mainly from parents / carers, but when from someone else, such as a visitor, this is noted.

The very latest comments are first, at the top of the list...


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“I would like to say a massive thank you to [Chantelle] and the girls at Little Chums. I could not recommend you enough. [name redacted] has learnt so much with being with you all. Thank you for making his nursery years special. I look forward to [name redacted] starting with you and having the same experience her brother has had.”

“You are all always so kind and flexible which means so much to us as working parents. We always rave about Little Chums as it is, and can’t recommend you highly enough!”

“Thanks so much for... all your hard work looking after our boys, we really couldn't be more pleased with the care and service we get from Little Chums!”

“A big thank you for everything that you have done, not just for [name redacted] but for us as a family. He has loved his time at ‘Chums’. Keep flying the ‘Quality Childcare’ flag.”

“Just wanted to message to say a big thanks to you [Chantelle] and the girls this year for all your support and looking after the boys I wouldn’t want my boys going anywhere else you do amazing jobs and make every occasion so special!”

“Thank you so much for the photos and everything you all do. You all go above and beyond for our children and it’s really appreciated.”

“I just want to say thank you to all of you at little chums, [name redacted] absolutely loves coming to nursery, and it’s been so lovely how special you have made Christmas for him and all the children in the baby’s room.”

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything that you all do. [name redacted] has brought home some very special crafty items which we will keep forever, as well as generous presents from nursery! I can't imagine the time and effort that goes into it all, but it is really appreciated. We love receiving things that she has made and are also glad that she does the messy things with you! We feel very lucky that [name redacted] nursery is Little Chums and she is very happy there!”

“We are disappointed that [name redacted] will no longer be coming to Little Chums next year as you are a fantastic nursery with amazing staff, [name redacted] has loved her time with you all.  I cannot thank you all enough for accommodating [name redacted] additional needs and being so accepting to the health professionals visiting and taking on their advice.”

“I can’t thank you all enough for all you have done for [name redacted] and also my girls. You all will be missed, but couldn’t of picked a better nursery, just thank you again.”

“I just wanted to say [name redacted] has thoroughly enjoyed his time at Chums so far, all the [staff] are amazing, so attentive and welcoming!  I also wanted to let you know how amazing Hollie has been this year… she has been so supportive making sure [name redacted]  is OK and checking on me also is definitely going above and beyond!  [The staff] are all a credit to you!”

“I just wanted to say a big thank you to yourselves and the girl's who look after [names redacted].  Since they have been with yourselves they have really flourished and enjoy spending time at Little Chums. The [staff] are amazing especially with [name redacted], who we all know can be hard work at times! Little Chums has made going to nursery / After School Club enjoyable and I can't thank you all enough.  [Names redacted] can't wait to come back after the 6 weeks holidays!”

“Unfortunately the time has come for [name redacted] to start her early education place in September. Although [name redacted] will have only been with you for one year, it has been a great year.  She has grown from a toddler who was extremely nervous of people to a confident little girl.  Her social skills have developed tremendously. I just wanted to express how grateful we are - it has been a wonderful introduction to her education with you and I am sure she will be really sad to leave.”

“I would like to thank you so much for everything you and the amazing people who work at Little Chums have done for [name redacted]! I have seen him come on leaps and bounds since he started with you and I will be forever grateful to you all. We have seen him flourish so much since he joined Little Chums. This is by far the most amazing nursery that we could have asked for our little boy.”

“I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for the fantastic experience [name redacted] has had at Little Chums over the past year. It is so heart-warming to see her now coming to nursery so happy and excited for the day ahead. I know it hasn’t always been easy for her to settle but we really appreciate the care and patience everyone has taken to get us to where we are now - to see her walk straight into toddlers for her first settling in session last week without looking back or any tears was wonderful!”

“Unfortunately, [name redacted] will be finishing at little chums at the end of August. I know he and I will be very sad for this as you are all truly amazing and have definitely made us feel so welcomed over the past six years with literally nothing being too much to ask. I'm aware I definitely asked my share of favours over the years. (I can't thank you enough for everything, always being so amazing as these past six years have most definitely thrown some obstacles into our world.  Never once have you added to our stress, but only ever relieved it and provided a lot of support with both [name redacted] and [name redacted]  and us as parents).  This has been a surprisingly hard decision for us make as we all look forward to drop off and pick up as, both [name redacted]  and [name redacted] have always been so well looked after and not continuing this and seeing everybody daily is going to be a big loss to our family.”

“I am really sad that July will be [name redacted] last month with you. For the last 6 years you and your staff have been the most amazing support to me. I will be forever grateful. You have been a huge part of [name redacted] life and had a helping hand in bringing her up with me, turning her into this fiery/clever/sassy little thing… I don’t know how I would have got through the last 6 years without you and YOU made it so much easier for me to return to work and cope as a single parent. So whilst I’m writing this email with a lump in my throat, thank you for the most amazing journey we have had and not only will [name redacted] miss you guys, I will hugely miss you all. All your staff are exceptional and go above and beyond with the kids. What you have done at that nursery you deserve medals and more recognition for what you actually do. From the bottom of my heart thank you.”

“I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you and the team for giving [names redacted] the best experience during their time at Little Chums over the past 7 years. My partner and I are and will remain incredibly grateful for the learning and skills Little Chums has given the girls during their time, it’s been an absolute privilege to observe the nurture and care you provide to children in your care. Little Chums management and team are extraordinary. Your hard work, kindness and commitment to provide a safe and loving environment for children to grow, whilst also ensuring to deliver the best care, is a lesson that others could learn. You should be incredibly proud!”

“I still haven't recovered from our visit!  What an incredible set up you have and it oozes so much happiness!  It’s been a pleasure meeting you and your team!”  (Reception teacher, Croesyceiliog Primary)

“[We] would like to say a massive thank-you for everything you have done with [name redacted].  Thanks to you, her speech and confidence has come on spectacular. You are one of the best nurseries around and we are extremely sad for [name redacted] to be leaving. We love you all so much!”

“I just wanted to extend our greatest gratitude to you all for providing the best care we could wish for [name redacted]. Choosing childcare for your child is no easy task, however, choosing Little Chums was the easiest decision for us to make and we wouldn’t hesitate in recommending you to anybody looking for childcare.  I can honestly say it’s been the most refreshing experience and I see the girls as more of an extended family than just the girls who have had the dubious task of taking care of our wild child.  I know we will be back with [name redacted] for her summer sessions but I couldn’t let the moment pass without sending a massive thank you to you all.  The love and care that has been displayed to [name redacted] from Tots through to Preschool has been nothing short of amazing.  I’m sure I’ll feel like I’ve lost a limb without my daily chats with the girls who’ve been a massive support to me also.”

“I’m gutted she’ll be leaving you as she absolutely loves nursery and has had the best experience! I can honestly say it’s by far the best nursery I’ve come across. So thank you and your team so much!”

“Can I just say a huge thank you to Lauren and the girls in the baby room!  They’ve made the transition of [name redacted] starting nursery lovely for us as parents!  We really appreciate all the paintings she’s already brought home and it was so lovely to have all the reassurance and understanding from Lauren as a first time nervous mum!  The staff are a credit to your nursery and I can’t wait for all of [name redacted] fun and adventures with you!”

“[We] want to pass on our thanks for Chantelle’s and the girls support through the process [PCP] and how much we appreciate the care that you all provide for [name redacted].  We really couldn’t ask for anything better.”

“I think the children are well looked after and their health is at the forefront of the care provided at Little Chums.”

“Relationships between staff and children are strong!”

“I always love talking to the girls about our little one. She has a great bond with all her carers.”

“The girls have been so warming and listen to any updates we give on our boy. They always give us a good handover at the end of the day.”

“Always happy going in, always clean coming home and great care from the amazing staff.”

“You guys do an awesome job and I’m forever recommending you. I’ll be gutted when the day comes that [name redacted] has to leave!  If only all nurseries were as good as yours!”

“I really like the fact the children are able to attend the farm next door, look at the animals and have a look around when there is a themed event. I really enjoy looking at the photos and see the excitement on their little faces.”

“All staff are friendly and approachable. If i call or mostly email i always receive a swift response, even on a weekend.”

“Asks on non-nursery days to go to nursery, tells me all about his day and things he’s been up to with much excitement. He’s only been coming a few weeks but i can already see such a difference in him since coming to little chums.”

“I absolutely love the nursery, Chantelle is so accommodating and always so helpful I don’t feel like it’s just a business you actually care about the children and parents! The girls are lovely! [name redacted] has come on heaps and bounds since being with you and I can’t wait for [name redacted] to start his days! I can’t recommend the nursery enough and will continue pointing people in your direction!”

“Brilliant setting and staff. Trust them with my daughters care and wellbeing. My daughter looks forward to going which is saying something! Love that there’s a safe outdoor setting available to them also.”

“I think the nursery and staff do so much for the children to immerse them outdoors which is brilliant.”

“Staff have always been lovely and caring with our son. Little Chums has always been really great at being flexible to our needs too when we've needed extra childcare at quite short notice, which we really appreciate.”

“My child adores everyone there. You all do a fantastic job & it’s hugely reassuring that we know he’s safe & happy in your care.”

“Staff have a friendly demeanor and demonstrated a genuine interest in the children, even those not in their groups! Everyone always seems happy to help out. You consider children as individual and also challenging circumstances at home. You're incredibly approachable too and easy to communicate and contact. The children have a blast every day, they seem to spend time outside most days which is wonderful. It seems like staff have positive relationships with each other too and the atmosphere is friendly and calm.”

“I have always loved the family feel. Every member of staff has always known and acknowledged my child whether they were in their group or not. The care provided by Shauna, Lauren, Sarah, Chloe, Holly B, Hollie F has always been second to none which is hugely appreciated - as a whole family we love these staff members.”

“Everyone is really friendly and every member of staff seems to know every child. I think that goes a long way when we arrive / leave and see a member of staff they always go out their way to say hello and they know the child's name the amount of time you spend outdoors is also amazing my child loves exploring the farm and areas around the nursery.”

“You have helped shape [name redacted] into being the kind, funny and happy little girl that she is and we can’t thank you enough for that. You have loved her like she is your own and we thank you for that!”

“I would like to say how lovely it was to meet you Monday and let you know that seeing the nursery has made me feel a lot more confident about my return to work. I feel she will be very well looked after and develop beautifully. The premises is so beautiful and well equipped.”

“Thank you for the wonderful care… the staff are wonderful…”

“The settling in was well managed… food is great catering for lactose intolerance, very healthy!”

“I’m happy knowing my child is happy and safe.”

“The staff in baby room are excellent!”

“I cannot speak highly enough of Little Chums.”

“We are absolutely thrilled with how our child has progressed!”

“The staff are genuine and care… I highly recommend you.”

“My children are so happy at Little Chums... in fact they never seem to want to come home! The staff are so friendly, caring and welcoming that my son settled in straight away.  What a truly wonderful setting for my children to learn, develop and have fun! This was the best pre-school start my daughter could have had.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Two happy kids... two more than happy parents... need I say more!?!?”

“I think Little Chums is fantastic!  My son has settled in so well and the staff are brilliant.  I feel very happy knowing that my son is well cared for all day.  I would recommend them to anyone!”

“Little Chums is a real home from home.  My son has settled extremely well.  The staff and facilities are wonderful!”

“My son never wants to come home!  He is so happy at Little Chums, which makes me happy!  I have already and will continue to recommend this first class nursery.  Best in the area!”

“Ode to Little Chums...
Little Chums nursery and staff
Are caring and happy to laugh
The food is excellent, the games are fun
No wonder it’s difficult to retrieve my son
Inside, outside, come rain or shine
The kids are having a fabulous time
With plenty of space and animals too
My son says it’s better than a zoo
Little Chums nursery and staff
Are caring and happy to laugh!”





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